Friday, July 5, 2013


We have arrived at the Camplex in Gillette, WY for Escapade 2013. We have been long time members of the Escapees Club which is a support group for full-time RVers. They have recently expanded their mission to include all RVers. They provide a wonderful mail service for folks on the road. Several RV parks are maintained throughout the west and extending into the southeast. Their park system includes long term leases where you can spend the winter months or even live year round if you prefer. Most are RV lots but some even have houses and park models.

The campground was a large field and we were parked close. There were around 600 rigs there and over 1200 people in attendance.

We are here for five fun-filled days of educational seminars and entertainment. There is a lot of information on how to live the RV lifestyle to its fullest. The technology has changed tremendously since we first took off full-timing in 2000. There were no cell phones when we went to Alaska in 1988. I met a delightful couple, Geeks on Tour, who presented several seminars on how to best use these great tools. I learned how to create a blog (as you can see), how to manage my photos, how to make a movie and they may even have changed my mind about a smart phone. They also did a run through on Windows 8 which has baffled me since a computer salesman at Fry's blew off my questions and concerns. We all had a great time.
Mike and Linda caught by the roving photographer
As we were leaving we had an appointment with Aweigh We Go. It turns out that our weight is evenly distributed and not overloaded. I guess that means there is room for more stuff!

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